The EKKA is one of the biggest events in the Queensland calendar, and It’s nearly here for 2017- We are excited, because this year, we are getting involved. What does WFM & EKKA have in common? Great question. Every year many of our contractors attend to ensure we comply with all food and site safetyrequirements. Making sure “WooliesBest Ever Steak Bar” is meeting the required standards, and of course putting our customers 1st.
Here are a few of the companies involved:
West Property Maintenance look after our building Plumbing and gas compliance,
SJ Electric test our RCD’s and ensure everything is electrically safe,
Wormald Fire ensure our Fire extinguishers and blanket have been checked,
AM Coil clean and change our filters in the kitchen,
Bentleigh Signs ensure our brand is as bright as can be.
Our own team at Woolworths Facilities Management oversee all of this along with checking and maintaining all the refrigeration on site. A real example of our team getting involved, working as one team to put our customers 1st, and ensure they remember our store over any other.
Everything looks to be on track for the opening of “WooliesBest Ever Steak Bar” and all works have been donated by our awesome service providers. A big shout-out to AM Coil and Bentleigh Signs who invested a fair amount of time to ensure our Steak Bar is looking its best.
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