Your Canberra industrial ventilation management and hygiene control specialists

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by 10%*

Refer a Friend

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100% Australian

Owned & Operated

*These offers can be used in conjunction with each other only to a total discountable value of 25%. These offers are also only for filter exchange sales and not for the exhaust cleaning.

About Us

Don’t exhaust yourself looking for exhaust filter cleaners!

Beating prices by 10% for our ACT customers needing Canberra filter cleaning services

At AM Coil we know we’re good at what we do, and we want you to know too – so we’re offering a special deal to our customers!

We’re industry experts and have the knowledge and experience to take care of what you need including:

This month we’ll beat any quote for kitchen exhaust filter cleaning services by 10% for our customers, and a 5% discount when you refer a friend!*

*Maximum combined discount of 25% is redeemable in one purchase


Our Services

Competitive Filter Exchange

Duct & Fan Cleaning

Hood Cleaning

Filter Purchase

Electrostatic Cleaning

Insurance Certificates


Words Of Thanks From Happy Customers​


The benefits of kitchen exhaust systems & getting regular maintenance

Having your commercial exhaust filters and overall system checked and maintained on regular basis helps you steer clear of plenty of nasty mistakes, like making people sick or copping a big fine. Some of the great things about using a trusted cleaning service for kitchen exhaust systems are:

Fire Prevention

Environmental safety

Energy Efficiency

Health Protection

Work Health & Safety Compliance


Want to keep your kitchens and dining areas safe and comfortable for your customers? Make sure you pass all your food safety inspections by the Health Protection Service – book your free quote today!

What could go wrong? Well, let us tell you…

When you don’t get your exhaust filters cleaned or replaced regularly, that can lead to some pretty serious stuff. Forgetting to look after your commercial exhaust systems can lead to:


Not only is this a dangerous event for your staff and customers, having dirty filters because you forgot to get them cleaned can make your fire insurance policy invalid!

Making people sick

Dirty kitchen exhaust systems can harbor mold, bacteria and other pollutant nasties that can make you, your staff, and your customers very sick

Bad air quality

Breathing clean air is something we take for granted, but blocked and greasy exhaust filters can flood a building with heavy smoke and make the air a health risk to everyone

Big energy bills

If your exhaust system is blocked up, that means it must work harder to get its job done. With more work comes a higher power bill!

Strata non-compliance

Some venues might be governed by Strata rules, and being non-compliant can be a massive headache

Unattractive dining experiences

Your customers want to come into your restaurant or venue and enjoy themselves – not struggle to breathe. and leave smelling like a grease trap. Bad exhaust hygiene will affect your budget bottom line if you make a dining experience uncomfortable!

Council fines

Dirty and greasy exhaust filters and the lack of a regular maintenance schedule can attract huge fines and can even close your business for a time.

Pretty gross right? The upside here is that it’s easy to avoid – just let AM Coil put you on a cleaning schedule you can set and forget

Before | After

How often should I worry about filter cleaning and kitchen exhaust cleaning?

It can depend on the size of the kitchen operation when deciding on a regular schedule, but we have some great suggestions when it comes to kitchen canopy cleaning, air filtration, filters, exhaust fans and exhaust systems:

Filter cleaning

between 1-4 weeks

Kitchen hood and exhaust cleaning

Every 6-12 months

It is now a legal requirement to install a smoke and odour control system as well, and AM Coil can help choose and install the right one for you.

Contact Us

Book your free assessment & quote for filter services today!

If you’re in the ACT and need your filters and commercial exhaust systems cleaned by professionals and industry experts – don’t wait for it to fix itself – let us fix it for you. We offer flexible service arrangements for when life tips you upside down and make sure you have a clear management schedule created for you. Call us now or submit an enquiry so you can finally take a load off.

Contact Details

Maximum combined discount of 25% is redeemable in one purchase, quote the promo code/s SAVE10 and/or FRIEND5 in the contact form below

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